Editorial Policy

Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais(Psychosocial Researches and Practices) is a publication of the Laboratório de Pesquisa e Intervenção Psicossocial (Laboratory of Psychosocial Research and Intervention) and the Programa de Mestrado em Psicologia (Master Program in Psychology), Universidade Federal de São João del Rei (Federal University of São João del Rei) (LAPIP/PPGPSI/UFSJ). It is an open journal published biannually since 2006, registered with the ISSN 1809-8908, and is freely accessible on the Internet. It accepts contributions related to psychosocial and educational processes, and aims to disseminate and discuss advances and innovations in those areas. It is designed for specialists, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students.

Contributions intended for publication are solely the responsibility of the authors and should be sent by electronic submission at the address: http://www.seer.ufsj.edu.br/index.php/revista_ppp

The texts referred for evaluation will be sent, without identifying the author, to at least two ad hoc external consultants, chosen by the Editorial Board, which will determine anonymously, under a scheme of blind review: a) If the article will be posted without change; b) If the article will be published after modifications; c) If the article is rejected.

Authors may follow the editorial process via the Internet by accessing the System of Electronic Publishing Journal.

The final decision on publication of an article rests with the Editorial Board that will evaluate the reformulated version and may require other modifications.

The authors are responsible for the overall content and technical review of their articles, but the Editorial Board may make minor changes in the text to fit the technical requirements for publication or correct any grammatical errors.

After the publication of the last number of each year, the names of referees who carried out the selection of articles that year are published at the website of the journal, without specifying which articles they analyzed.



Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociaisasks that authors grant to the journal the ownership of the copyright of articles or other material edited, published or posted by it in any form of distribution, including publication by electronic media and other forms of technology.

Papers accepted for publication result in ownership of Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais. It is forbidden to use the materials published for commercial purposes. Any reproduction of material, in whole or in part, in other publications, must obtain written permission from the publisher.


Partial reproduction of other publications

The work that includes parts of texts from other publications must meet the limits to ensure the originality of the article. It is recommended to prevent the reproduction of figures, tables, figures, and similar materials. In the case of citing one or more figures, tables or illustrations, they must be accompanied by the written permission of the author and publisher of the original publication. Copyrights are not transferred.

Papers published in foreign journals can be sent in order to publication, provided they are accompanied by written authorization signed by the editor of the journal where the paper was published, scanned and sent electronically to the e-mail of Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais.


Work involving human beings

Theoretical articles and/or researches involving human beings are conditioned to the ethical principles of the Code of Ethics of Psychologists, the Declaration of Helsinki (1964, last revised in 2000), the specific legislation of the country where the research was conducted and the International Convention on Human Rights.


The journal Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais accepts contributions in the following categories:

  1. Reporting of Research: reports based on scientific studies. Limited to 25 printed pages;
  2. Report of Professional Experience: essays based on studies highlighting the relevance of their theoretical and methodological contribution and/or of their results. Limited to 15 printed pages;
  3. Theoretical study: essays based on theoretical constructs or contributions. Limited to 25 printed pages;
  4. Critical review of literature: analytical and critical review with original and relevant contributions to the field of psychosocial and educational processes. Limited to 15 printed pages;
  5. Translations: translations of works, accompanied by the written consent of the authors and editors in the case of articles already published in foreign languages. The page limit is according to the categories above described.
  6. Reviews: critical review of recently published works. Limited to 3 printed pages;
  7. Interviews: interviews with people on relevant psychosocial and educational processes studies. Limited to 15 printed pages;
  8. News: news about facts and events related to psychosocial and educational processes. Limited to one (1) printed page;
  9. Letters: Comments and responses to published works. Limited to 3 printed pages;
  10. Communication: statement on relevant theoretical, methodological and/or technical issues. Limited to 05 printed pages;
  11. Debate and Forum: sequence of 2 or 3 articles from different authors, focusing on an issue, exploring aspects of understanding and/or controversy. Limited to 25 printed pages (in total articles);


Submission of papers

1) Will be accepted works in Portuguese, Spanish and French or English, if properly reviewed;

2) The documents should be submitted in double-space, Times New Roman, size 12, in the limit of pages designed for each category;

3) Each page on the journal is equivalent to 350 words. Tables, figures and illustrations are considered in the number of pages;

4) All documents must be accompanied by:

4.1) Cover sheet including (a) the full title and subtitle (in English, Portuguese and Spanish or French), (b) the category of contribution (see above), (c) the name(s) of the author(s) and respective institutional affiliation, and other information that may be relevant to the article and to the production of the authors, (d) the full address, phone and email of the author with whom the journal must maintain contact, including his/her address that will be published;

4.2) A sheet with the abstract in English, Portuguese, and Spanish or French, as well as three (3) to five (5) keywords for indexing the work. The abstract should not exceed 150 words. The categories 6 to 11 need not an abstract. An abstract should contain the main question, theoretical set, methodological procedures, findings and relevant implications of the work.

5) All documents must be submitted exclusively through access to the site http://www.seer.ufsj.edu.br/index.php/revista_ppp

6) All pages, starting from the home page of the work, should be numbered consecutively;

7) In case of re-submission of work, the new version will again be sent by e-mail, following the same specifications placed for the first version.


Formatting work

The papers should be formatted following the standards of the American Psychological Association (APA).


We recommend reading:


(1) Sabadini, A. A. Z. Paulovic; Sampaio, M. I. C. e Nascimento, M. M. (n.d.). Citações no texto e notas de rodapé: uma adaptação do estilo de normalizar de acordo com as normas da American Psychological Association (APA). Biblioteca Dante Moreira Leite, Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo. Disponível no site http://www.ip.usp.br/portal/images/stories/manuais/citacoesnotextoapa.pdf


(2) Sabadini, A. A. Z. Paulovic; Sampaio, M. I. C. e Nascimento, M. M. (n.d.) Normalização de referências: uma adaptação do estilo de normalizar de acordo com as normas da American Psychological Association (APA). Biblioteca Dante Moreira Leite, Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo. Disponível no site http://www.ip.usp.br/portal/images/stories/manuais/normalizacaodereferenciasapa.pdf


Below are some guidelines to format text citations:



Common types of citations

• Literal quote: When the citation does not exceed 40 words, put the text in quotes and then immediately, without comma or point, open parenthesis, indicating the last name of each author, year of publication and page. Close parentheses and place point. Do not use capital letters or italics.


Example: "In the operative group dynamics, we emphasize the intertwining of external task and internal task" (Silva & Souza, 2002, p. 6).


When the quotation is literal and greater than 40 words, there will be a paragraph space before and after the quoted text. Place the passage quoted without quotation marks, in Times New Roman, size 09, one space, obeying an inner margin (indented text) equivalent to 05 spaces (0.6 cm) for the entire block quoted. If the authors' names are already mentioned in the paragraph, indicate the page right after the quote.


Example: As recall Silva & Souza (2002):


In the operative group dynamics, we emphasize the intertwining of external task and internal task, pointing out that the object of analysis is all that creates resistance to the development of the external task. That is, we take here the guideline already pointed out by Berger that, if there is resistance and transfer in all, in the operative group the transfer to be analyzed is limited to those that appear in the internal task. (p. 6)


• Conceptual Quote: Last names of authors and year of publication.

Two examples:

(1) Souza (2002) emphasizes the intertwining of external and internal tasks in the operative group.

(2) It is important to emphasize the intertwining of external and internal tasks in the operative groups (Silva & Souza, 2002).


Number of authors

1. Quote from a single author: author's last name (date). Example: Souza (2002)


When there is more than one author with the same name, in the References, it can be used the form "last name, first name abbreviated (date)" to differentiate between them.


2. Two authors

The last names should come in all citations, using "and" when in the body of the text and using "&" when inside parentheses or in the reference list.



(1) The studies of Silva e Souza (2002) focus on operative groups.


(2) The operative groups maintain an interrelationship between external and internal tasks (Silva & Souza, 2002).


3. Three to five authors

The last names of all authors should be shown the first time the citation appears, as in the example above. From the second citation on, every first time it appears in the same paragraph, only the last name of the first author is cited, followed by "et al." and the year of publication.



(1) The studies of Souza, Silva and Pena (2002) focus on the operative groups. (First time it is mentioned in the text).


(2) Souza et al. (2002) found that... (Second time it is quoted in the text, but first within the paragraph).


(3) Souza et al. (Subsequent citations within the same paragraph).


Exception: If the short form lead to confusion between two references, all authors should be mentioned. All names should be included in the references.


(4) Six or more authors

Since the first time they appear in the text, only the first author's last name is mentioned, followed by "et al.", unless it causes ambiguity. In this case it should be adopted the same solution of the previous item. Example: Souza et al. (2002). All names should be included in the References.


(5) Quote of work discussed in a secondary source

It occurs when the author uses a source displayed in another text, without having read the original article. For example, a study by Silva quoted by Souza, 2002. The citation form is: Silva (quoted by Souza, 2002). In the References it is included only the source consulted.


(6) Citation of ancient works that receive new editions.

It is followed the form: Last name of author (date of first issue/date of edition used). Example: Souza (1890/2002).


(7) Quote of personal communication and speech interviews

Should be included only if relevant to the argument and on respect for intellectual production. In this case, the text will come, but not in the references. Example: M.V. Silva (personal communication, November 9, 2005). The quotes from speeches of respondents follow the same specifications made for quotation of the author, except that will come in italics.


(8) Organization as author: Quote as the items on the author. Example: Institution (date).


(9) Without specifying author: Name of text (date)


(10) Without specifying date: Last name of Author (s / d).


(11) Editor as author or organizer: organizer last name, initial of first name (date).



References should be listed at the end of the article in alphabetical order following the APA. The veracity of the information contained in the list of references is the responsibility of the author. For names of authors, use only the first letter capitalized and the rest lowercase (eg, Silva, M.V. & Afonso, M.L.M.). Normal or italic fonts are used to differentiate the work published in the vehicle, as the examples below.




1. Technical Report

Author last name, first name abbreviated (Date). Name of report (report number if a number). City: Institution subordinate if any. Main Institution.

2. Paper presented at a Congress, but not published

Author last name, first name abbreviated (date). Item name. Paper presented at the (name of meeting). City: Country

3. Paper presented at the congress, with abstract published in the Proceedings series.

Consider how in journal publishing, indicating, after the title, that it is an abstract.

Author last name, first name abbreviated (date). Item name [Abstract]. Journal/Annals number (serial number, supplement), page.

4. Paper presented at the congress, abstract published in special issue: Consider as publishing books, indicating that it was abstract as well as indicating the event according to the information provided on the cover.

Author last name, first name abbreviated (date). Item Name [Abstract]. In Entity that publishes the book (Ed.), Title of volume, Event Name (page). City, Country: Entity promoting the event.

5. Unpublished theses or dissertations

Author last name, first name abbreviated (Date). Name of the thesis or dissertation. Level of training (eg. MSc Thesis), University City.

6. Books

Author last name, first name abbreviated (Date). Title of book. City: Publisher.

7. Book chapter.

Author last name, first name abbreviated (date). Title of the chapter. In The author's name (if organizer or editor indicate as explained above). Book title (first-last page of the chapter in the book). City: Publisher.

8. Book translated into Portuguese

Author last name, first name abbreviated (Date). Title of book. (Name of the translator, Transl.). City: Publisher (Original work published in date).

9. Article in scientific journal: Inform the volume number of the journal, followed by the number of the issue between parentheses, especially when the page numbering restarts with each new issue of the journal.

Author last name, first name abbreviated (Date). Item Name. Journal, volume number (issue of), first-last page in the publication.

10. Old works republished

Author last name, first name abbreviated (Date). Book Name. City: Publisher (Originally published in Data).

11. Papers awaiting publication (in press): Do not include the year, volume, issue of the magazine or the number of pages until the manuscript is published.

Author last name, first name abbreviated (in press). Title.

12. Institutional Author

(1)Papers: Main Institution. Institutions subordinated if any (date). Title of the article. Journal. Number: first-last page of the article in the publication.


(2) Books and Reports: Main institution. Institutions subordinated if any (date). Title of book. City: Publisher, if any.


(3) Chapter in a book or text in collectanea: Main institution. Institutions subordinated if any (date). Chapter title in the book. In Main institution. Subordinate institutions if any. Book Title. City: Publisher, if any.


13. Electronic Materials


Internet: Author (date). Title text. Journal, number, pages. Retrieved on (insert date) to (name of site) homepage.


Audiovisual material: Title of work [type of material - eg: VCR]. City: Publisher: Date.


Statement of Originality and Grant of Copyright

I declare that the work submitted to the journal Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais, Laboratório de Pesquisa e Intervenção Psicossocial, Federal University of São João del Rei (LAPIP / UFSJ), has not been published previously and I undertake not to submit it to another publication while is in the evaluation process or after published by this journal.

I declare that the work is original and that its content is the result of my intellectual contribution. All quotations and references to material already published are identified with their credits and are included in the references with authorizations of copyright holders.

I grant the copyright to the journal Pesquisas e práticas psicossociais and take responsibility for claims or proceedings relating to intellectual property rights, exempting from liability the Federal University of São João del Rei.

If the article is approved, I authorize the journal Pesquisas e práticas psicossociais, editing it, display it and distribute it in Brazil and abroad, over the internet or in other media.


XXI agree and accept the terms of this declaration.


Revista Pesquisas e Práticas Psicossociais

Laboratório de Pesquisa e Intervenção Psicossocial (LAPIP)

Departamento de Psicologia , UFSJ

Praça Dom Helvécio 74, Bairro Dom Bosco

CEP: 36301-160 São João del Rei, Minas Gerais, Brasil.

E-mail: ppplapip@ufsj.edu.br

Telephone: +55(32) 3379-2492